
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Give me comfort and give me soup!

Super easy, one pot, no hassle.

I like to have a roast chicken at ALL times. It sounds silly but if you have a roast chicken (and you not a veg) you have a really good meal on your hands.

The other night, Whole 30 was kicking my ass. Soccer is in full swing, they practice seemingly 127 times a week and I am a single Mum again this month- so shit is hitting the fan, but we still gotta eat!

I sliced (so much better than a dice in a soup, don'tcha agree?)
One half of a sweet onion
Dice 3 carrots
1 can on tom
1 quart of homemade *chicken stock
And steamed, sautéed or fresh veggies you like- I added steamed green beans
Fresh, thin sliced kale, as much or as little as you like.
1/2 can of pumpkin
coconut cream from the top on one can coconut milk
curry powder
thyme shredded chicken

Cook the onion and carrot (and any other hard veggie you are adding) in some coconut oil until it is about translucent. About 7 minutes, add spices, taste- add more curry :)

IF I wasn't on the Whole 30, I would add about a cup of white wine and cook it out- but on W30, I sprinkle with coconut amino and a bit of vinegar, 1/2 cup water and put the lid on- it takes less than 10 minutes to absorb the water.

After that add the tom, I crush with my hands, then the pumpkin, stock and remaining veg. Replace the lid off set, so it doesn't boil over- cook on med for anywhere from 10-30 minutes. Depends on how much time you have.

Toss in the sliced kale, shredded chicken and coconut cream and you are good to go.

* When you buy/cook a whole chicken, after you picked the meat off, throw it in the crock pot, cover it with water add some veg and let it slow cook itself into a beautiful broth. Sometimes I will throw a carcass in the freezer (sounds morbid) and save it for when I have time. Sometimes if I am home I cook it on the stove for 4-5 hours, because the smell is amazing. Anyway, if you do this, freeze it. Buy those restaurant containers, the big tall, round ones and stock up on stock. I drink it by itself, heated up in a mug- it's a meal replacement and always, always better than the shit in the store. I promise it is really easy too.

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