Friday, July 13, 2012

Oh. You're reading this.

I always am shocked to hear that people read this thing. I am not a self loather, I mean, I think sometimes this is a "good read" but I'm no Jack Kerouac.
When someone mentions it, "I read your blog" for a split second I go, "my what?" in my head, but with all the other voices, it just blends in.
I'm KIDDING. There's only one voice in my head.


  1. I get a little notice when you have new content ... so I check it out. I am a long time fan of your husband and his comrades and he sent people over here a while a go via FB. Sometimes your posts are cute or interesting yet they leave me after the computer is shut ... but some of your posts stay will me all day or for a while. Some are so personal and truly heartfelt or philosophical, I ponder your words for a while. AS IF I know you which is silly because I don't. (I did have dinner next to your family at a show at Pappy and Harriets in the desert...still doesn't count as knowing you...) It is weird to me sometimes. I wonder if maybe this blog was meant only for your family or your friends. But I, a stranger, do enjoy what you have to say and your perspective on it all.

    I wish you the best as you go through this unfamiliar leg of your journey. It will pass. These past few posts have been ones that have stuck with me ... I have an urge to DO something for you... yet again, we are strangers. To be able to spark that kind of emotion is kinda cool on your part... you must be doing something right here. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Another stranger here, & longtime fan of SS & their rowdy music. I think it was "Sleepy Vampire" & that awesome cover with the barbecue sauce that made me see the heart behind the man, as it were. It is uplifting to see real love in this dysfunctional world. Seconding the thanks for sharing & best wishes as you get through this crazy hormonal exhaustion.

  3. It is as if someones paying you to be so sweet!
    I appreciate the kind words and I love that you're reading. It's important for me to appreciate my support no matter if it happens to be a familiar face or not.
    Having my husband be in the biz brings a lot to our plates and new friends Is a fantastic perk.

  4. I couldn't say it better than Mrs Jeffries - she described it perfectly. As a stranger to you it still is so good to read your notes and think 'Exactly! I know..." and it makes me feel less 'freaky', cause sometimes I do think I'm the only person feeling like this or that. Other stuff you write about I have never experienced, but it's always good to read. It makes me laugh or smile or even cry. Well, I just agree completely with Mrs Jeffries. Since English isn't my mother tongue I just leave it to her - she said it exactly the way I think, too :) Thanks Mrs Jeffries for describing it so perfectly!

    So: Thank you for writing it all down and sharing it with us!
    And if you need to talk to a stranger in person, mail me: or get me on skype: stefanie_kelly

    Keep your chin up!

    Hugs from all over the ocean (very rainy and too cold Berlin),
