I have one and it is really killing me. Seriously. It's killing me! So exciting and yet, nada. Nothing. I can't say a word.
And it's like I have nothing to say because I have everything to say. When I talk to friends, I am just out of words. I'm guessing because I have so many. That are stuck. Behind the duct tape. That is over my mouth.
Eddie and the boys are in Oklahoma City tonight. I have no idea where they are going tomorrow and I don't know where they were the day before. It's funny, I use to keep such tight tabs on him and now it is as if it doesn't matter. He isn't here. That's what matters, so if he isn't going to be here and I am not going to be there... I don't know, I guess we can both agree that, it just don't matter.
I don't think he minds. I try not to bore him with the lame questions. "Where are you?" (Starbucks) "Where have you been?" (the hotel). I always want to know the gossip. I am a fein! But there is none. Not yet. They have a new guy doing sound, so I am hoping there is some trouble to be had. Eddie said it was Justin's Bday (said sound guy) and they did not succeed in getting him drunk. He assured me he thought the kid was trying not to be too crazy, being the "new guy" but I assured him, there's nothing he can do that someone else (D.F.) hasn't already done. Period. The road will make you go crazy.
D.F. came running through the backstage door and jumped into the air, came crashing down and slid across an entire, rather large, coffee table FULL of beer bottles. There was glass EVERYWHERE. It was heaven. It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. We have it on video, somewhere. Although Eddie probably lost it. They toured with Motorhead and got all kinds of backstage footage... Eddie lost the camera. Damn it Eddie. Although to his "credit" (I guess) he thinks it was stolen from the van... that he forgot to lock. Either way. Eddie pulled an "Eddie".
Alright, I am going to bed. I hope I don't bite my tongue off.
8 seconds.
Love to carve pumpkins.
Me and my favorite man.
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